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How Sitting Cross Legged Impacts Your Personality & Health!

How Sitting Cross Legged Impacts Your Personality & Health!

Thinking Office Contemplate Man Relax Cross Legs

Body language is an important part of communication and it reflects upon who you are! How you sit have a deep influence on your personality. You must have seen people who frequently sit cross-legged, right? Why they sit that way? Well, It’s not natural & it means something about them. Sitting cross-legged is a learned behaviour related to psychology & it’s something more than just improving your comfort level while relaxing your legs. Let’s know that psycho! Sitting cross-legged require more space than normal sitting & it makes you look bigger & powerful than others! People who have a dominating & more confident personality, tend to sit cross-legged. While confidence is good part of sitting this way, it is regarded as a bad posture due to it’s dominating nature. Further, cross-legged sitting for longer time can increase your blood pressure & is not healthy.  Our take: Avoid sitting cross-legged for a healthy posture & healthy life!

References: Best Life, The Conversation, Photo Thanks: Max Pixel.

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