Social Media

The First Ever Mobile Phone & The First Ever Mobile Phone Call - WinfiY crunch

The First Ever Mobile Phone & The First Ever Mobile Phone Call!

Mobile phones (Sorry! we should rather say “Smart Mobile Phones” or “Smartphones“) & mobile phone…

What Does 'i' Stand For In Apple Products & Services goshbuzz - WinfiY crunch

What Does ‘i’ Stand For In Apple Products & Services?

iMac, iPhone, iPad, iPod, iWatch, iLife, iCloud, iOS, iWork and the list of Apple’s “i-Products…

How Apple was named Apple - WinfiY crunch

How ‘Apple’ was named ‘Apple’?

You must have used an Apple product except if you are living under mountain rock!…

Google Got Its First Funding & investment From An Indian - WinfiY crunch

Google Got Its First Funding & investment From An Indian!

Yes, that’s right! Google founded in America by Larry Page & Sergey Brin got its…

Why You Should Listen More & Speak Less - WinfiY crunch

Why You Should Listen More & Speak Less?

Listeners are considered as “smarter” than those who speak a lot! And Yeah… listeners are…

Why deleting Facebook is so hard - WinfiY crunch

Why You Find It So Hard To Delete Fucking Facebook!

It’s simple psychology! When you install Facebook (it’s factory installed now!), notifications are turned on…