
The First Ever Mobile Phone & The First Ever Mobile Phone Call - WinfiY crunch

The First Ever Mobile Phone & The First Ever Mobile Phone Call!

Mobile phones (Sorry! we should rather say “Smart Mobile Phones” or “Smartphones“) & mobile phone…

What Does 'i' Stand For In Apple Products & Services goshbuzz - WinfiY crunch

What Does ‘i’ Stand For In Apple Products & Services?

iMac, iPhone, iPad, iPod, iWatch, iLife, iCloud, iOS, iWork and the list of Apple’s “i-Products…

Google Got Its First Funding & investment From An Indian - WinfiY crunch

Google Got Its First Funding & investment From An Indian!

Yes, that’s right! Google founded in America by Larry Page & Sergey Brin got its…

Why deleting Facebook is so hard - WinfiY crunch

Why You Find It So Hard To Delete Fucking Facebook!

It’s simple psychology! When you install Facebook (it’s factory installed now!), notifications are turned on…

Does Coffee Cause Cancer - WinfiY crunch

Does Coffee Cause Cancer?

You love coffee, right? Well, then this post is a must read for you and…

AI Herpin - The Man Who Never Slept - WinfiY crunch

The Man Who Never Slept!

We are talking about “AI Herpin” here, an American who was (in fact “is”) known…