
Avoid Coffee Before Sleep - WinfiY crunch

Avoid Coffee Before Sleep. Here Is Why?

One cup of coffee contains about 100 milligrams of caffeine which stimulates your mind and…

Denmark is the happiest country in the world - WinfiY crunch

People Here Are Happier Than Anywhere Else In The World!

All of us want to be happy. Well, as far as happiness is concerned, people…

Why You Jump Cry When You Are Happy or Excited - WinfiY crunch

Why You Jump & Cry When You Are “Happy or Excited”?

If you are like many people who cries or jump up and down in excitement…

Baby Art App - WinfiY crunch

‘Baby Art’ – App that auto create photo stories from the best baby pictures!

If you are a parent with a little baby, this “Baby Art” app is for…

Biggest family in the world - WinfiY crunch

This is the biggest family of the world!

We’re talking about “Ziona” who lives in Mizoram of India with his family that consists…

Cows are best friends - WinfiY crunch

Neither humans nor dogs! It’s “Cows” who have ‘Best Friends’!

Research have found that cows are best friends than anyone else! Under study, the cows…