
Fruits, Fruit Juice & Your Health - WinfiY crunch

Fruits, Fruit Juice & Your Health!

Fruits are the essential ingredients of a healthy diet – that’s indisputable! Fruits are rich…

Low Feeling or Depression - Take a walk to make yourself feel better - WinfiY crunch

One Small Thing You Can Do When Feeling Low?

We all feel low at many times in life. Sometimes it’s ‘not a good day’…

Now You Need To Be More Strict With Your Child Sugar Consumption - WinfiY crunch

Now You Need To Be More Strict With Your Child Sugar Consumption!

Research revealed that young children (less than 2 years old) in America (Though study is…

Don't be only as it can double chances of early dying - WinfiY crunch

Don’t Be Lonely In Life. Here Is The Serious Why.

Study found that ‘loneliness’ or ‘feeling lonely’ can increase the risk of dying early by…

Depression - A Wake Up Call - WinfiY crunch

Depression – A Wake Up Call

About 30 crore people are suffering from depression in the entire world. The number proves…

Incredible Health Benefits Of Jogging - WinfiY crunch

Incredible Health Benefits Of Jogging!

Jogging is as powerful as its simplicity. Jogging or ‘the midway between walking & running’…