
Why Perfection Is Always Imperfect - WinfiY crunch

Why Perfection Is Always Imperfect?

First & foremost fact is that perfection doesn’t exist. Perfection means a particular thing is…

Why There Is No Taxes on Churches & Like Religious Institutions - WinfiY crunch

Why There Is No Taxes on Churches & Like Religious Institutions?

People in the entire world have great sentimental & religious values attached to Churches &…

Be Nice To Others as It is Good For You Too - WinfiY crunch

Be Nice To Others. It’s Good For You Too!

Being nice to others let others feel happy via your behaviour. So, it’s good for…

Bhutan Gross National Happiness Philosophy - WinfiY crunch

Bhutan Has Pioneered This Amazing Philosophy To Measure Country’s Progress!

In the entire world (except Bhutan!), the “measure to measure” the country’s progress is “Gross…

First Ever Recording Device Was Not Invented By Scientist - WinfiY crunch

First Ever Recording Device Was Not Invented By Scientist! Then Who?

First ever sound recording device called “Phonautograph” was invented by a Frenchman called “Édouard-Léon Scott…

Why You Should Listen To Less Music - WinfiY crunch

Music Is Infinite! But You Should Listen To ‘Non-Infinite Music’! Here Is Why.

We are yet to see an anomaly who don’t like music. People love music. Though…