
No Sidebar - Design a Simple Life - One of the Best Website on Minimalism - WinfiY crunch

‘No Sidebar’ – Design A Simple Life

‘Design a Simple Life‘ is the Slogan of NoSidebar.com – a website focused on minimalist…

Rich People - Hard Work or Good Luck - WinfiY crunch

Rich People – Are They Smart or Are They Lucky?

You will be surprised to know that rich people’s luck plays more role in their…

4 Elements of Energy That Will Change Your Life - WinfiY crunch

4 Elements of Energy That Will Change Your Life!

Following Tony Schwartz‘s quote “Manage your energy, not your time“, Buffer Co-founder Leo Widrich revealed his…

What Exercise Does To Your Brain & Mood - WinfiY crunch

What Exercise Does To Your Brain & Mood?

When you exercise, it gives us endorphin hormone (little scientific, right?) which makes you feel…

Why A Daily Life Routine Is So Much Important - WinfiY crunch

Why A Daily Life Routine Is So Much Important?

Having a routine is very important for well-being, living a disciplined life, productivity & success.…

Why There Is No Taxes on Churches & Like Religious Institutions - WinfiY crunch

Why There Is No Taxes on Churches & Like Religious Institutions?

People in the entire world have great sentimental & religious values attached to Churches &…