
Social Media Sharing - WinfiY crunch

How Much Do You Read Before Sharing? Let’s Check Your Smartness!

Now, sharing stuff on social media is part of our daily lives. From morning selfie…

Rays Face Silhouette Thoughts Brain Construct Does

How Memory Can Be Kept Young In Later Years of Life?

Older adults face mental issues like memory & judgment loss, decrease in the ability to…

Avoid Reading In Bed for Good Eye Health - WinfiY crunch

Do You Read In Bed? Yep! Avoid It!

Well, we are living in 21st century where we are given more liberty than ever!…

This One Little Change To Your Reading Habit Can Make You Smarter - WinfiY crunch

This One Little Change To Your Reading Habit Can Make You Smarter!

To become smart, one thing is sure that you need to read a lot. You…

How much or how little do you read online - WinfiY crunch

How much (or how little!) do you read online?

20%! Every time you visit a web-page, it’s most likely that you read only 20%…

F-Shaped Pattern For Reading Web Content - Nielsen Norman Group Original Eye tracking Study - WinfiY crunch

(Mostly) ‘F’ is the shape in which you read online content!

Do you know we read a web-page in a very different manner than we read a newspaper…