
Social Media Sharing - WinfiY crunch

How Much Do You Read Before Sharing? Let’s Check Your Smartness!

Now, sharing stuff on social media is part of our daily lives. From morning selfie…

Hello Social Media Network - New Way To Connect With People - WinfiY crunch

Hello Network! – New Way To Connect With People

‘Hello Network‘ is the new social networking app created by the same person who created…

Why You Must Say Good Morning To Strangers - WinfiY crunch

Why You Must Say Good Morning To Strangers?

In the morning time, you greet people you know with a warm “Good Morning“, right?…

How TV Is Destroying our Children's Life & What We Can Do To Cure It - WinfiY crunch

How TV Is Destroying our Children’s Life & What We Can Do To Cure It?

TV has huge impact on all of us especially children & most of it is…

Tricks To Deal With Daily Stress & Feel Instant Relief - WinfiY crunch

Stressed Out? Try These Tricks To Deal With Daily Stress & Feel Instant Relief!

In the 21st century’s busy lifestyle, it appears that everybody is stressed out? Little bit…

Surprising Benefits Laughter can add to your life - WinfiY crunch

5+ Surprising Benefits Of Laughter You Might Not Know!

Doctors often say: “laughing is a natural therapy“, “laughter is the best medicine“, et cetera! …