
First search engine of world was Archie & not Google - WinfiY crunch

World’s First Search Engine Was Not Google!

Now all of us find answers to our questions on Google! About entire information on…

The Story Behind Google & Googol Name You Need To Know - WinfiY crunch

The Story Behind ‘Google’ Name You Need To Know!

Have you heard of the term “Googol“? Probably no, right? But you must have heard…

How Apple was named Apple - WinfiY crunch

How ‘Apple’ was named ‘Apple’?

You must have used an Apple product except if you are living under mountain rock!…

Google Got Its First Funding & investment From An Indian - WinfiY crunch

Google Got Its First Funding & investment From An Indian!

Yes, that’s right! Google founded in America by Larry Page & Sergey Brin got its…

This Company Is Trying To Backup Upload Your Brain To Cloud - WinfiY crunch

This Company Is Trying To Backup & Upload Your Brain To Cloud!

Well, it feels weird to read the above statement, but it’s true. Nectome, an startup…

Zhou Qunfei - WinfiY crunch

How ‘Zhou Qunfei’ made herself World’s richest self-made women?

Zhou Qunfei – the 48 year old Chinese woman entrepreneur who is the founder of…