
Quick Facts About Music and Study - Minute Crunch

Quick Facts About Music and Study

Music can work wonders when you are trying to focus on your work so that…

You Don't Need to sacrife your sleep for your studies - Minute Crunch

Why You Don’t Need to Sacrifice Your Sleep For Your Studies?

We all want to be good at our studies but nobody of us knows the…

Perfection does not exist as you always have a long way to go - WinfiY crunch

Perfection Doesn’t Exist! Here Is Why?

We hear a lot of times when somebody spit words like “Yes! It’s Perfect!” or…

How Many Pages Are There On The Internet or Google - WinfiY crunch

How Many Pages Are There On The Internet (‘or Google’)?

Though we can’t quote the exact number but as per Google Blog, as of November…

Cost of distractions 25 minutes each - WinfiY crunch

Cost of distractions: 25 minutes each!

Suppose, You are working on something really important. Suddenly you got a call & message…

10000 Hour Rule - WinfiY crunch

What’s the number of practice hours that makes you perfect?

Well,  one much debated theory suggest: 10,000 hours! We need 10,000 hours of ‘deliberate practice’…