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The Equation of Life - Minute Crunch

The Equation of Life

The only thing that is predictable in life is that life is highly unpredictable! Holds…

Branded Fruit - Minute Crunch

Branded Fruit – A service to get your brand printed on any FRUIT!

The only limit to our creativity is our imagination. Branded Fruit is a true example…

Headphones at workplace - Minute Crunch

Why headphones are becoming a necessary work accessory?

New workplaces are more open, against the cubicles of old times. While open office spaces…

Quick Facts About Music and Study - Minute Crunch

Quick Facts About Music and Study

Music can work wonders when you are trying to focus on your work so that…

You Don't Need to sacrife your sleep for your studies - Minute Crunch

Why You Don’t Need to Sacrifice Your Sleep For Your Studies?

We all want to be good at our studies but nobody of us knows the…

Coffee makes our brain healthier - Minute Crunch

How Coffee Affects Your Brain?

Coffee makes our brain healthier. As per neuroscience study, coffee has a chemical called ‘phenylindanes’…