Sci-Tech ‘n’ Social Media

Your Phone Needs A Break - Phone Life Balance Report by The Quint & Motorola - WinfiY crunch

Do You own Your Phone or Does Your Phone Own You?

Well, this is the question inspiring motorola’s phone-life balance survey. Survey results are out now…

Don't Read e-Books at Sleep Time. Here is why - WinfiY crunch

Don’t Read e-Books at Sleep Time. Here is why!

Most people (perhaps you too!) like to read books at night to help them fall asleep. But if you are using e-Books at night instead of print books, Beware! Light emitting from e-Books you are reading before your bedtime makes it tougher for you to fall asleep and reduces the next morning alertness letting you feel sleepier and adversely impact your health & performance. So, we recommend you to use only print books at night to enjoy deep sleep. (Pro Tip: If you are a fan of e-Books, You can use e-Ink device like Amazon Kindle which will give you a paper like feel while giving the comfort of e-Books!)

Number of Times You Check Your Smartphone a Day is Shocking - WinfiY crunch

Number of Times You Check Your Smartphone (Not So Smart!) a Day is Shocking!

Do you Know that the average millennial picks up their smartphone 150 times a day! Reason is “FOMO” (Don’t worry we got this acronym: “Fear of Missing Out”). In a tech world, we want to stay connected 24/7. For people in age group of 18-24, the most important thing just after waking up is to check their smartphone (Really important!). Well, if you want to stay productive & be different, start controlling this bad habit of yours right away! 

WhatsApp Founders didn't get a job at Facebook & Twitter - WinfiY crunch

WhatsApp Founders didn’t get a job at Facebook & Twitter!

Chances are you are in the group of 150 crore people who use WhatsApp daily! But very few people know that WhatsApp founders ‘Jan Koum’ and ‘Brian Acton’ were rejected for jobs at Facebook. Brian was rejected at Twitter too. After failure to get a job at Facebook and Twitter, the duo friends decided to build an app free of advertisement with focus on its core functionality -‘messaging’ and that is how the duo came up with WhatsApp – the most simple, secure, and fast messaging app in the world!

This man’s Apple AirPods allegedly exploded while he was working out - WinfiY crunch

This man’s Apple AirPods allegedly exploded while he was working out!

Jason Colon, a man from Tampa, Florida reported to his local news channel “8 On Your Side” that his Apple AirPods began smoking while he was listening to a dance mix at the LA Fitness. Reportedly, he left the AirPods on a piece of workout equipment & got help and when he got back, one of the AirPods was partially burned and destroyed! An Apple spokeswoman told “8 On Your Side” – “the company is investigating and and will reach out to Colon”. Well, on this news, Apple must be “Oh My Gosh!”