
Country where WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube are Banned - WinfiY crunch

Country where WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube (& lots more) are banned!

Well, it’s China. Due to extreme internet censorship in China (dubbed as “The Great Firewall…

What Happens on Facebook in one minute is alarming - WinfiY crunch

What happens on Facebook in one Minute? (It’s Alarming!)

Every one minute i.e every 60 seconds, some amazing things (which are really shocking!) happen…

Jiffpom is Most Famous Dog In the World - WinfiY crunch

Meet the Most Famous Dog in the World of Social Media!

On knowing about his popularity and Fan following, you may feel jealous! He has followers…

Some Interesting Facts About Taj Mahal You probably don't know - WinfiY crunch

Some Interesting Facts About Taj Mahal You probably don’t know!

You might know that Taj Mahal is one of the seven wonders of the World built by emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. But here are some little popular facts about Taj Mahal: About 20,000 people were involved in its construction & it took 22 years to complete, more than 1000 elephants were used for transportation of contruction meterials (sorry elephants! cars/ trucks were not existed at that time!), Taj’s shimmering White Marbel color changes depending on sunlight/ moonlight, Taj artists & architects’ hands were cut-off so that no one could make anything beautiful like Taj ever again (it’s a long-standing myth!), 7-8 million people visit Taj each year, many precious stones of Taj were cut out from its walls by the British solders & officials during 1857 Indian rebellion to spoil Taj’s beauty,  UNESCO designated Taj as “the jewel of Muslim art in India”!

Gevora Hotel is the Worlds Tallest Hotel - WinfiY crunch

This is the New Tallest Hotel in World!

Dubai, the skyscrapers’ city which already have Burj Khalifa to its credit, which is the tallest building in the world has got one more credit to its favor: The Gevora Hotel – world’s new Tallest Hotel with a record height of 357.8 metres! The Hotel has 528 rooms spread over 75 floors. Gosh part is that Gevora Hotel is just 2.8 metre taller than its predecessor JW Marriott Marquis Dubai Hotel which is now the World’s second tallest hotel with height of 355 metres!

Number of Times You Check Your Smartphone a Day is Shocking - WinfiY crunch

Number of Times You Check Your Smartphone (Not So Smart!) a Day is Shocking!

Do you Know that the average millennial picks up their smartphone 150 times a day! Reason is “FOMO” (Don’t worry we got this acronym: “Fear of Missing Out”). In a tech world, we want to stay connected 24/7. For people in age group of 18-24, the most important thing just after waking up is to check their smartphone (Really important!). Well, if you want to stay productive & be different, start controlling this bad habit of yours right away!