
Flippy is World's First Robot that can help you make Burgers - WinfiY crunch

‘Flippy’ – World’s First Robot that can help you make Burgers!

‘Flippy’, as its name suggest, is the World’s first robot that can assist Burger cooks…

Place of Inhumanity Horror Death in the World of History - WinfiY crunch

No.1 Place of Inhumanity, Horror & Death in the World of History

Auschwitz, located in Poland is the place where largest mass murder took place in the…

WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger - Which is No. 1 - WinfiY crunch

WhatsApp or Facebook – which is No. 1?

Well, not to our surprise, it’s WhatsApp! WhatsApp is leading the market with a whopping…

Disneyland on Google Maps - WinfiY crunch

Now Experience full Disneyland on Your Smartphone! Thanks to Google :)

Want to feel how is it to be in Disneyland or Walt Disney world but…

India has highest percentage of women pilots - WinfiY crunch

This Country has highest percentage of women pilots!

We are talking about India, (rather, incredible India!) which is amongst the most shining countries…

Best time of the day to take a break - WinfiY crunch

Best time of the day to take a break!

It’s 02:55 p.m. to be exact. 02:55 is the least productive time of the day…