
How Apple was named Apple - WinfiY crunch

How ‘Apple’ was named ‘Apple’?

You must have used an Apple product except if you are living under mountain rock!…

Apple Social Network - iTunes Ping - WinfiY crunch

Apple’s Own Social Network! Have You Heard Of It?

It’s indisputable that Apple is one of the biggest innovative & technology companies of all…

Amazon is Most Valuable Brand in the World 2018 - WinfiY crunch

Forget Apple, Google & Facebook. It’s Amazon which dominates now!

Here, we are talking about the most valuable brand in the world. It’s Amazon which…

This man’s Apple AirPods allegedly exploded while he was working out - WinfiY crunch

This man’s Apple AirPods allegedly exploded while he was working out!

Jason Colon, a man from Tampa, Florida reported to his local news channel “8 On Your Side” that his Apple AirPods began smoking while he was listening to a dance mix at the LA Fitness. Reportedly, he left the AirPods on a piece of workout equipment & got help and when he got back, one of the AirPods was partially burned and destroyed! An Apple spokeswoman told “8 On Your Side” – “the company is investigating and and will reach out to Colon”. Well, on this news, Apple must be “Oh My Gosh!”

Steve Jobs Was Fired From His Own Company Apple - WinfiY crunch

Steve jobs was fired from his own company – Apple!

In 1983, Apple Founder Steve Jobs hired the then Pepsi executive John Sculley to join Apple as CEO convincing him by his famous statement “Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugared water, or do you want a chance to change the world?”. Later on, while Sculley was working as CEO, he & Steve got some issues over Mac Pricing. So, Steve was thrown out of Apple after which he founded NeXT that was later acquired by Apple which opened the door for Steve coming back to Apple and transforming Apple to a great company which we all know today. Well done Steve!