
India's Holy River Gangas water may make you sick - WinfiY crunch

India’s Holy River, Ganga’s water may make you sick!

Well, we are not sure if India’s Holy River, Ganga’s water can wash your sin…

9 out of 10 diamonds are polished in India - WinfiY crunch

9 out of 10 diamonds are polished here!

It’s ‘Surat’ – the “Diamond City of India ” where 90% of the world’s diamonds…

First Capsule Shaped Hotel which keeps floating in the island - WinfiY crunch

First Capsule Shaped Hotel which keeps floating in the island!

Japanese Hotel ‘Huis Ten Bosch’ has revealed a capsule shaped floating Hotel which is first of…

Flippy is World's First Robot that can help you make Burgers - WinfiY crunch

‘Flippy’ – World’s First Robot that can help you make Burgers!

‘Flippy’, as its name suggest, is the World’s first robot that can assist Burger cooks…

WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger - Which is No. 1 - WinfiY crunch

WhatsApp or Facebook – which is No. 1?

Well, not to our surprise, it’s WhatsApp! WhatsApp is leading the market with a whopping…