
Do not Ever Think What Others Think of You - WinfiY crunch

Don’t Ever Think What Others Think of You!

Being human beings, we are social animals and we feel good when we are liked…

How Much Time You Spend Worrying How Can You Avoid It - WinfiY crunch

How Much Time You Spend Worrying & How Can You Avoid It?

Probably 4 hours a day. According to one survey, each year we spent about full…

Avoid Coffee Before Sleep - WinfiY crunch

Avoid Coffee Before Sleep. Here Is Why?

One cup of coffee contains about 100 milligrams of caffeine which stimulates your mind and…

Smoking is Killing More People Than You Think - WinfiY crunch

Smoking is Killing More People Than You Think!

We all know that smoking is injurious to health (well the same is mentioned on…

This One Little Change To Your Reading Habit Can Make You Smarter - WinfiY crunch

This One Little Change To Your Reading Habit Can Make You Smarter!

To become smart, one thing is sure that you need to read a lot. You…

Music is not the Smart Choice while you exercise. Opt for Audio Books - WinfiY crunch

Music Is Not The Smart Choice While You Exercise. This Is!

Lots of people (probably you too! ) exercise in the morning to make their body…