
Chewing Gum Can Boost Your Brain Power - WinfiY crunch

Chewing Gum Can Boost Your Brain Power!

We’re not joking here! It’s what one study has found. Some researcher found that chewing…

Why You Should Listen More & Speak Less - WinfiY crunch

Why You Should Listen More & Speak Less?

Listeners are considered as “smarter” than those who speak a lot! And Yeah… listeners are…

Protect Children From Mother Smoking To Help Them Fight Health Risks - WinfiY crunch

Protect Children From Mother Smoking To Help Them Fight These Risks!

How “Mother Smoking” Impact The Baby? Well, no wonder, negatively. Children of smoking mothers suffers…

Why deleting Facebook is so hard - WinfiY crunch

Why You Find It So Hard To Delete Fucking Facebook!

It’s simple psychology! When you install Facebook (it’s factory installed now!), notifications are turned on…

Avoid Reading In Bed for Good Eye Health - WinfiY crunch

Do You Read In Bed? Yep! Avoid It!

Well, we are living in 21st century where we are given more liberty than ever!…

Avoid oversleep on weekends for better health - WinfiY crunch

Do you oversleep on weekends? Avoid it. Here is why?

Like many people, chances are you too have your “Saturday-Sunday” off and you enjoy oversleeping…