Personal Growth

Fabulous is the Award Winning App that can Change Your health Life & routine - WinfiY crunch

This Award Winning App Can Change Your Life!

In this tech world, you need tech to keep you healthy & fit. Duke’s economic…

Why Your Hands & Legs Goes To Sleep & Is It Harmful - WinfiY crunch

Why Your Hands & Legs Goes To Sleep? Is It Harmful?

We all have had the experience when our hand or leg become insensitive or insensible…

Tricks To Deal With Daily Stress & Feel Instant Relief - WinfiY crunch

Stressed Out? Try These Tricks To Deal With Daily Stress & Feel Instant Relief!

In the 21st century’s busy lifestyle, it appears that everybody is stressed out? Little bit…

Do Not get Irritated & angry at Small Things for better health - WinfiY crunch

Are You Irritated By Small Things? Yep! Consider This.

Some people get angry & stressed at small things and keep that in mind for…

First Ever Recording Device Was Not Invented By Scientist - WinfiY crunch

First Ever Recording Device Was Not Invented By Scientist! Then Who?

First ever sound recording device called “Phonautograph” was invented by a Frenchman called “Édouard-Léon Scott…

Why You Should Listen To Less Music - WinfiY crunch

Music Is Infinite! But You Should Listen To ‘Non-Infinite Music’! Here Is Why.

We are yet to see an anomaly who don’t like music. People love music. Though…