What Happens on Facebook in one minute is alarming - WinfiY crunch

What happens on Facebook in one Minute? (It’s Alarming!)

Every one minute i.e every 60 seconds, some amazing things (which are really shocking!) happen…

Aetna is paying its employess to get proper sleep - WinfiY crunch

This Company is Paying its Staff to Get Proper Sleep!

Aetna Inc, an American Health Care company has come up with a very innovative &…

Your Phone Needs A Break - Phone Life Balance Report by The Quint & Motorola - WinfiY crunch

Do You own Your Phone or Does Your Phone Own You?

Well, this is the question inspiring motorola’s phone-life balance survey. Survey results are out now…

Jiffpom is Most Famous Dog In the World - WinfiY crunch

Meet the Most Famous Dog in the World of Social Media!

On knowing about his popularity and Fan following, you may feel jealous! He has followers…

Exercise Increase Life Expectancy - WinfiY crunch

This little (absolutely free!) thing  can add 3 years to Your Life!

Do you know Just 15 minutes of exercise per day can increase your life by…

Smoking Effects Your Health, Age & Looks -WinfiY crunch

This is what Smoking does to your looks & Your Age!

Do you know smoking makes you look older than you really are. Smokers get more…