Minute Crunch

Do not Trust Facebook Facial Recognition With Your Face - WinfiY crunch

Don’t Trust Facebook With Your Face! Here Is Why!

Facebook encourages its users to upload their “face” (Yes, Face!) as profile picture. It’s not…

Why You Must Stop Eating At Your Desk - WinfiY crunch

Why You Must Stop Eating At Your Desk!

Our keyboard, telephones & desk being commonly touched things are the places full of germs!…

Health Concerns of Biting Nails & How Can You Avoid It - WinfiY crunch

Health Concerns of Biting Nails & How Can You Avoid It?

Few people (especially children) are habitual of biting their nails for no reason at all…

Why You Must Say Good Morning To Strangers - WinfiY crunch

Why You Must Say Good Morning To Strangers?

In the morning time, you greet people you know with a warm “Good Morning“, right?…

Why A Daily Life Routine Is So Much Important - WinfiY crunch

Why A Daily Life Routine Is So Much Important?

Having a routine is very important for well-being, living a disciplined life, productivity & success.…

Thinking Office Contemplate Man Relax Cross Legs

How Sitting Cross Legged Impacts Your Personality & Health!

Body language is an important part of communication and it reflects upon who you are!…