Minute Crunch

How Apple was named Apple - WinfiY crunch

How ‘Apple’ was named ‘Apple’?

You must have used an Apple product except if you are living under mountain rock!…

Kleptomania - A disease In Which People Tend To Steal Things - WinfiY crunch

Disease In Which People Tend To Steal Things!

It’s “Kleptomania” – a disease in which patient has strong desire to steal things or…

Chewing Gum Can Boost Your Brain Power - WinfiY crunch

Chewing Gum Can Boost Your Brain Power!

We’re not joking here! It’s what one study has found. Some researcher found that chewing…

Google Got Its First Funding & investment From An Indian - WinfiY crunch

Google Got Its First Funding & investment From An Indian!

Yes, that’s right! Google founded in America by Larry Page & Sergey Brin got its…

Why You Should Listen More & Speak Less - WinfiY crunch

Why You Should Listen More & Speak Less?

Listeners are considered as “smarter” than those who speak a lot! And Yeah… listeners are…

Protect Children From Mother Smoking To Help Them Fight Health Risks - WinfiY crunch

Protect Children From Mother Smoking To Help Them Fight These Risks!

How “Mother Smoking” Impact The Baby? Well, no wonder, negatively. Children of smoking mothers suffers…