Sci-Tech ‘n’ Social Media

Right to Disconnect - WinfiY crunch

Right to Disconnect! Freedom For Not Replying to Emails, Calls & Messages!

In this online world, we are connected 24/7 (Really, some people attennd the calls during…

House of Highlights - An Instagram SportHouse For SportHighlights - WinfiY crunch

House of Highlights – An Instagram SportHouse For SportHighlights!

“@HouseofHighlights” is the username of a very popular instagram account called “House of Highlights” created…

How Many Pages Are There On The Internet or Google - WinfiY crunch

How Many Pages Are There On The Internet (‘or Google’)?

Though we can’t quote the exact number but as per Google Blog, as of November…

Why Shopping Feels So Good & Why You Should Avoid It - WinfiY crunch

Why Does Shopping Feel So Good & Why You Should Avoid ‘So Much Shopping’?

If you are not an aomaly, you love shopping even though it takes your hard…

This One Little Change To Your Reading Habit Can Make You Smarter - WinfiY crunch

This One Little Change To Your Reading Habit Can Make You Smarter!

To become smart, one thing is sure that you need to read a lot. You…

Music is not the Smart Choice while you exercise. Opt for Audio Books - WinfiY crunch

Music Is Not The Smart Choice While You Exercise. This Is!

Lots of people (probably you too! ) exercise in the morning to make their body…