Sci-Tech ‘n’ Social Media

Is it time to delete Facebook - WinfiY crunch

Is it time to delete Facebook?

Well, if you listen to the WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton, the answer is “yes”. On…

Look away from your screen every 20 minutes - WinfiY crunch

Look away from your screen every 20 minutes!

This is the small tip you can use to protect your eyes from the harmful…

Smart people do not walk on escalators - WinfiY crunch

Smart People Don’t Walk On Escalators!

Many of us have developed the weird habit of walking on escalators (why don’t we…

Selfie taking can be hazardous to our health - WinfiY crunch

Are you a selfie-addict? Beware!

Selfie taking can be hazardous to our health and we are not joking here! Selfies…

AppBrowzer - Browse multiple apps in one app - WinfiY crunch

App of Apps! This App let you use multiple apps without actually installing them!

We all need hundreds of apps in our Smartphone but sometimes, our phone storage capacity…

social media makes you unhappy - WinfiY crunch

Is Social Media making you Unhappy?

You may wonder but “Yes” is the answer. Study has found that the more you…