Sci-Tech ‘n’ Social Media

Amazon is Most Valuable Brand in the World 2018 - WinfiY crunch

Forget Apple, Google & Facebook. It’s Amazon which dominates now!

Here, we are talking about the most valuable brand in the world. It’s Amazon which…

Sleep Deprivation Major Cause Revealed - WinfiY crunch

Why people (especially Indians) are so much Sleep deprived?

The answer to this why has been discovered and “not shockingly”, it’s not a work…

Google Chrome pin tab feature - WinfiY crunch

Pin tab feature of Google Chrome can save you time! Have a look.

Chances are you are reading this article on Minute Crunch in Google Chrome right now! Are…

Wikiwand - Modern-Wikipedia reader - WinfiY crunch

Are You a Wikipedia Fan? Yep! You need to get this.

We are talking about Wikiwand – the modern Wikipedia reader. We all know that Wikipedia…

More Facebook equals More Negativity & Stress - WinfiY crunch

More Facebook = More Negativity & Stress: Research

You read it right! With more than 220 crore Facebook users worldwide, chances are you…

Cost of distractions 25 minutes each - WinfiY crunch

Cost of distractions: 25 minutes each!

Suppose, You are working on something really important. Suddenly you got a call & message…