
Sea Otter Hold Hands while sleeping under sea water - WinfiY crunch

These Sea animals hold hands of each other while sleeping!

We’re talking about “Sea Otter” here. Sea Otter is a kind of marine mammal &…

Cows are best friends - WinfiY crunch

Neither humans nor dogs! It’s “Cows” who have ‘Best Friends’!

Research have found that cows are best friends than anyone else! Under study, the cows…

Introvert versus shy versus rude - WinfiY crunch

Introverts are neither rude nor shy!

Almost all of us consider introvert & shyness as the same things. Even Google shamelessly…

Actual color of Sun is white - WinfiY crunch

What’s the original color of the Sun? (It’s not Yellow or Red or Orange!)

To your surprise, Sun is neither yellow (as it looks during day) nor orange or…

Power of Greeting Smile to Strangers is incredible - WinfiY crunch

Power of Greeting Smile to Strangers is incredible!

We all come across several strangers a day (leaving people who have locked themselves in…

walking or running - which is better - WinfiY crunch

Walking or running – Which is better?

Both are good depending on the purpose! When it comes to diseases like diabetes, Blood…