
social media makes you unhappy - WinfiY crunch

Is Social Media making you Unhappy?

You may wonder but “Yes” is the answer. Study has found that the more you…

Sleep Deprivation Major Cause Revealed - WinfiY crunch

Why people (especially Indians) are so much Sleep deprived?

The answer to this why has been discovered and “not shockingly”, it’s not a work…

Deep Breath Health Benefits - WinfiY crunch

Breath Deep! Benefits it can add to your health are amazing!

We all breath. That’s no wonder. But how should we breath? Well, we should breath…

More Facebook equals More Negativity & Stress - WinfiY crunch

More Facebook = More Negativity & Stress: Research

You read it right! With more than 220 crore Facebook users worldwide, chances are you…

Fake Smile impact on happiness - WinfiY crunch

How Fake Smile impact your happiness?

When you are happy, you smile & laugh instinctively. How about smiling without being happy? Well,…

Cost of distractions 25 minutes each - WinfiY crunch

Cost of distractions: 25 minutes each!

Suppose, You are working on something really important. Suddenly you got a call & message…