
Why deleting Facebook is so hard - WinfiY crunch

Why You Find It So Hard To Delete Fucking Facebook!

It’s simple psychology! When you install Facebook (it’s factory installed now!), notifications are turned on…

Apple Social Network - iTunes Ping - WinfiY crunch

Apple’s Own Social Network! Have You Heard Of It?

It’s indisputable that Apple is one of the biggest innovative & technology companies of all…

How many Facebook Users Are Going To Delete Facebook - WinfiY crunch

How many Facebook Users Are Going To Delete Facebook?

It’s no secret that Facebook has breached the trust of its users “many times“! Facebook…

Is it time to delete Facebook - WinfiY crunch

Is it time to delete Facebook?

Well, if you listen to the WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton, the answer is “yes”. On…

Selfie taking can be hazardous to our health - WinfiY crunch

Are you a selfie-addict? Beware!

Selfie taking can be hazardous to our health and we are not joking here! Selfies…

social media makes you unhappy - WinfiY crunch

Is Social Media making you Unhappy?

You may wonder but “Yes” is the answer. Study has found that the more you…