
Do not Ever Think What Others Think of You - WinfiY crunch

Don’t Ever Think What Others Think of You!

Being human beings, we are social animals and we feel good when we are liked…

Power of Greeting Smile to Strangers is incredible - WinfiY crunch

Power of Greeting Smile to Strangers is incredible!

We all come across several strangers a day (leaving people who have locked themselves in…

Women are more rude to women than men - WinfiY crunch

Women are more rude to women than men!

Yes, you read this complex statement right. This is what a recent study by University…

Best time of the day to take a break - WinfiY crunch

Best time of the day to take a break!

It’s 02:55 p.m. to be exact. 02:55 is the least productive time of the day…

Aetna is paying its employess to get proper sleep - WinfiY crunch

This Company is Paying its Staff to Get Proper Sleep!

Aetna Inc, an American Health Care company has come up with a very innovative &…