
AI Herpin - The Man Who Never Slept - WinfiY crunch

The Man Who Never Slept!

We are talking about “AI Herpin” here, an American who was (in fact “is”) known…

Baby Art App - WinfiY crunch

‘Baby Art’ – App that auto create photo stories from the best baby pictures!

If you are a parent with a little baby, this “Baby Art” app is for…

Zhou Qunfei - WinfiY crunch

How ‘Zhou Qunfei’ made herself World’s richest self-made women?

Zhou Qunfei – the 48 year old Chinese woman entrepreneur who is the founder of…

Bombay to Mumbai - The Story Behind Change - WinfiY crunch

Bombay to Mumbai – The Story Behind Change!

Bal Thackeray, the Founder Leader of “Shiv Sena” (translation: “Army of Shivaji”) Political Party believed that “Bombay” was a corrupted English version of “Mumbai” and an unwanted legacy of British colonial rule. He wanted to change the city’s name to “Mumbai” to pay tribute to Hindu goddess “Mumbadevi” meaning “mother” in Marathi language to strengthen Marathi identity in the Maharashtra region. In 1995, when Shiv Sena won the elections in Maharashtra, his party anounced that the city’s name has been changed to “Mumbai” and now a resident of Mumbai is called “Mumbaikar”!