
If A Product Or Service Is Free, You & Your Privacy Are The Product - WinfiY crunch

If A Product Or Service Is Free, ‘You & Your Privacy’ Are The Product!

Chances are you have have heard the above saying but (may be!) don’t understand it…

Google Self-Driving Bicycle In Netherlands - WinfiY crunch

Google’s Self – Driving Bicycle In Netherlands!

There is lot of buzz about self-driving cars but very few people know that Google…

Microsoft (Bill Gates) & Apple (Steve Jobs) Are Friends - WinfiY crunch

Microsoft (Bill Gates) & Apple (Steve Jobs) Are Friends! Here Is Proof.

Yes, that’s right! Though in media, the both companies (Apple & Microsoft) & these two…

Google YouTube Kids for children - WinfiY crunch

Must Have App For Those Having Kids Watching YouTube Videos!

Today, people from children to elders are no strangers to YouTube. People are spending their…

The Story Behind Google & Googol Name You Need To Know - WinfiY crunch

The Story Behind ‘Google’ Name You Need To Know!

Have you heard of the term “Googol“? Probably no, right? But you must have heard…

Goal Writing worksheet & write your goals to achieve them - WinfiY crunch

Want To Achieve Your Goals? Write Them! Here Is Why.

All people (except anomalies!) have “some goals” in their lives. Very few smarter peopleĀ  (“first…