
First Capsule Shaped Hotel which keeps floating in the island - WinfiY crunch

First Capsule Shaped Hotel which keeps floating in the island!

Japanese Hotel ‘Huis Ten Bosch’ has revealed a capsule shaped floating Hotel which is first of…

Just do not look at Your Smartphone and this App will Pay You - WinfiY crunch

Just don’t look at Your Smartphone and this App will Pay You!

We all know that how addictive we are to our Smartphones. Perhaps the first thing…

Indian Tea seller who makes INR 12 Lacs or USD 18500 a month - WinfiY crunch

Do you know a tea-seller who makes INR 12 Lacs (or $18,500) a month? We Do!

We are talking about ‘Navnath Yawle’ here who is the co-founder of ‘Yawle Tea House’…

Instagram is for oldies & Snapchat is for Youngsters - WinfiY crunch

Instagram is for oldies, Snapchat is for Youngsters!

OK-OK! Let us first clear your (We mean Instagram lovers!) anger on this post title!…

Flippy is World's First Robot that can help you make Burgers - WinfiY crunch

‘Flippy’ – World’s First Robot that can help you make Burgers!

‘Flippy’, as its name suggest, is the World’s first robot that can assist Burger cooks…

Pizza Hut Pie Tops II shoes - WinfiY crunch

This Shoes let you order Pizza (and Pause TV when you collect your order)!

We are talking about Pizza Hut’s ‘Pie Tops II’ shoes here. The Pizza company has…