
Is it time to delete Facebook - WinfiY crunch

Is it time to delete Facebook?

Well, if you listen to the WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton, the answer is “yes”. On…

Look away from your screen every 20 minutes - WinfiY crunch

Look away from your screen every 20 minutes!

This is the small tip you can use to protect your eyes from the harmful…

Do not read this please - WinfiY crunch


We know that you are reading this post even when the title of the post…

Why Cows have ID Cards in India - WinfiY crunch

Why Cows have ID Cards in India?

There are very few people who may not be aware about the Aadhar ID system…

Biggest family in the world - WinfiY crunch

This is the biggest family of the world!

We’re talking about “Ziona” who lives in Mizoram of India with his family that consists…

Sea Otter Hold Hands while sleeping under sea water - WinfiY crunch

These Sea animals hold hands of each other while sleeping!

We’re talking about “Sea Otter” here. Sea Otter is a kind of marine mammal &…