
Smart people do not walk on escalators - WinfiY crunch

Smart People Don’t Walk On Escalators!

Many of us have developed the weird habit of walking on escalators (why don’t we…

Selfie taking can be hazardous to our health - WinfiY crunch

Are you a selfie-addict? Beware!

Selfie taking can be hazardous to our health and we are not joking here! Selfies…

Introvert versus shy versus rude - WinfiY crunch

Introverts are neither rude nor shy!

Almost all of us consider introvert & shyness as the same things. Even Google shamelessly…

Actual color of Sun is white - WinfiY crunch

What’s the original color of the Sun? (It’s not Yellow or Red or Orange!)

To your surprise, Sun is neither yellow (as it looks during day) nor orange or…

Maysynram in India is wettest place on the planet - WinfiY crunch

Love Rain? Visit the wettest place on the planet!

Mawsynram located in Meghalaya (means “land of clouds”) of India is the most rainy place in…

matrilineal culture - WinfiY crunch

In this culture, Husband changes his surname and move to wife’s house!

Post marriage, what normally happens is wife move to husband’s house and changes her surname…