
How Apple was named Apple - WinfiY crunch

How ‘Apple’ was named ‘Apple’?

You must have used an Apple product except if you are living under mountain rock!…

Why You Should Listen More & Speak Less - WinfiY crunch

Why You Should Listen More & Speak Less?

Listeners are considered as “smarter” than those who speak a lot! And Yeah… listeners are…

Smoking Impacts Your Hearing Ability - WinfiY crunch

Does Smoking Impact Your Hearing Ability?

Well, to cut the answer short, “Yes” is the answer. Needless to say, smoking impacts…

Talking About Yourself Gives You Same Pleasure As Food Money Give - WinfiY crunch

This Talk Gives You Same Pleasure As Food & Money Give!

It’s “Talking About Yourself“! Research found that 30-40 percent of what you talk is just…

Daniel Browning Smith - The Rubberboy & Most Flexible Person In The World - WinfiY crunch

‘The Rubberboy’ – Most Flexible Person In The World!

“Daniel Browning Smith” also known as “The Rubberboy” is the most flexible person on the…

6 Sleep Benefits You Might Not Know - WinfiY crunch

6 Sleep Benefits You Might Not Know!

It’s no secret that Better Sleep = Better Health! Good sleep has a number of…