
Stick to Single Tasking Get More Done - WinfiY crunch

Stick to Single-Tasking & Get More Done!

We often think that multi-tasking help us get more done but let us tell you…

Fake Smile impact on happiness - WinfiY crunch

How Fake Smile impact your happiness?

When you are happy, you smile & laugh instinctively. How about smiling without being happy? Well,…

Maximize Your Creativity by Just Relaxing & Sit Idle Doing Nothing - WinfiY crunch

Want to maximize Your creativity? Just Relax; Sit Idle & Do Nothing! Here is Why.

We have got the hack to make you more creative (& it is backed by…

Why you should maintain a clean space to improve focus - WinfiY crunch

Why you should maintain a clean space to improve focus?

It’s simple – clutter effects your brain negatively and increase your distractions. When you have…

Women are more rude to women than men - WinfiY crunch

Women are more rude to women than men!

Yes, you read this complex statement right. This is what a recent study by University…

Best time of the day to take a break - WinfiY crunch

Best time of the day to take a break!

It’s 02:55 p.m. to be exact. 02:55 is the least productive time of the day…