
Biggest family in the world - WinfiY crunch

This is the biggest family of the world!

We’re talking about “Ziona” who lives in Mizoram of India with his family that consists…

Introvert versus shy versus rude - WinfiY crunch

Introverts are neither rude nor shy!

Almost all of us consider introvert & shyness as the same things. Even Google shamelessly…

Deep Breath Health Benefits - WinfiY crunch

Breath Deep! Benefits it can add to your health are amazing!

We all breath. That’s no wonder. But how should we breath? Well, we should breath…

Why you should never miss a Morning Walk - WinfiY crunch

Why you should never miss a Morning Walk? (It’s Serious!)

Don’t want to go to gym in the morning? No problem! But don’t say I…

Say No to Music. Here is Why - WinfiY crunch

Say No to Music! But Why?

By Music here, me mean “too much & too loudly” music. World Health Organization (“WHO”)…

Maximize Your Creativity by Just Relaxing & Sit Idle Doing Nothing - WinfiY crunch

Want to maximize Your creativity? Just Relax; Sit Idle & Do Nothing! Here is Why.

We have got the hack to make you more creative (& it is backed by…