
Love Vegetables Vegetarian Heart Vegan Bless You

Which Country Has Largest Number Of Vegetarians?

Well, being a non-vegetarian is not a crime under many laws but certainly it is…

Kleptomania - A disease In Which People Tend To Steal Things - WinfiY crunch

Disease In Which People Tend To Steal Things!

It’s “Kleptomania” – a disease in which patient has strong desire to steal things or…

Avoid oversleep on weekends for better health - WinfiY crunch

Do you oversleep on weekends? Avoid it. Here is why?

Like many people, chances are you too have your “Saturday-Sunday” off and you enjoy oversleeping…

Smoking Impacts Your Hearing Ability - WinfiY crunch

Does Smoking Impact Your Hearing Ability?

Well, to cut the answer short, “Yes” is the answer. Needless to say, smoking impacts…

Talking About Yourself Gives You Same Pleasure As Food Money Give - WinfiY crunch

This Talk Gives You Same Pleasure As Food & Money Give!

It’s “Talking About Yourself“! Research found that 30-40 percent of what you talk is just…

Does Coffee Cause Cancer - WinfiY crunch

Does Coffee Cause Cancer?

You love coffee, right? Well, then this post is a must read for you and…