
Headphones at workplace - Minute Crunch

Why headphones are becoming a necessary work accessory?

New workplaces are more open, against the cubicles of old times. While open office spaces…

Quick Facts About Music and Study - Minute Crunch

Quick Facts About Music and Study

Music can work wonders when you are trying to focus on your work so that…

You Don't Need to sacrife your sleep for your studies - Minute Crunch

Why You Don’t Need to Sacrifice Your Sleep For Your Studies?

We all want to be good at our studies but nobody of us knows the…

10 Tips For Better Sleep - WinfiY crunch

10 Tips For Better Sleep (These Are Super Easy!)

#1 Go to bed at same time each night #2 Set alarm to buzz at…

Make your day of 26 Hours. Here is How. - WinfiY crunch

Make your day of 26 Hours. Here is How.

‘Except you are an exception’, on average, you spend 40 minutes on YouTube, 35 minutes…

Morning Lark versus Night Owl - Which One Is Better - WinfiY crunch

Morning Lark versus Night Owl – Which One Is Better?

While larks (morning people) wake up early in the morning, owls (night people) tend to…