Life ‘n’ Style

Surprising Benefits Laughter can add to your life - WinfiY crunch

5+ Surprising Benefits Of Laughter You Might Not Know!

Doctors often say: “laughing is a natural therapy“, “laughter is the best medicine“, et cetera! …

Freedom to live addiction free life Bornfree - WinfiY crunch

No Addiction Is Addiction In Fact! You were Born Free! Be Free!

Yes, we have said it right! You see many people who are a slave of…

Goal Writing worksheet & write your goals to achieve them - WinfiY crunch

Want To Achieve Your Goals? Write Them! Here Is Why.

All people (except anomalies!) have “some goals” in their lives. Very few smarter people  (“first…

How Many People Use Cycle Each Day - WinfiY crunch

How Many People Use Cycle Each Day?

Cycling has many health & environment benefits. That’s no secret but not all people do…

Love Vegetables Vegetarian Heart Vegan Bless You

Which Country Has Largest Number Of Vegetarians?

Well, being a non-vegetarian is not a crime under many laws but certainly it is…

The First Ever Mobile Phone & The First Ever Mobile Phone Call - WinfiY crunch

The First Ever Mobile Phone & The First Ever Mobile Phone Call!

Mobile phones (Sorry! we should rather say “Smart Mobile Phones” or “Smartphones“) & mobile phone…