
Google Self-Driving Bicycle In Netherlands - WinfiY crunch

Google’s Self – Driving Bicycle In Netherlands!

There is lot of buzz about self-driving cars but very few people know that Google…

Stopping Exercise can increase depression - WinfiY crunch

Do You Exercise Daily? Yep! Don’t Break Your Habit. Here Is Why.

Daily exercise is a very good habit as it has lots of health benefits. You…

Surprising Benefits Laughter can add to your life - WinfiY crunch

5+ Surprising Benefits Of Laughter You Might Not Know!

Doctors often say: “laughing is a natural therapy“, “laughter is the best medicine“, et cetera! …

How Many People Use Cycle Each Day - WinfiY crunch

How Many People Use Cycle Each Day?

Cycling has many health & environment benefits. That’s no secret but not all people do…

Avoid oversleep on weekends for better health - WinfiY crunch

Do you oversleep on weekends? Avoid it. Here is why?

Like many people, chances are you too have your “Saturday-Sunday” off and you enjoy oversleeping…

Keep Cycling for Better health - WinfiY crunch

Want Better Health? Keep Cycling! 

Everybody who knows driving, starts with cycle, right? We all know it! While cycling is…