work life balance

How Many People Use Cycle Each Day - WinfiY crunch

How Many People Use Cycle Each Day?

Cycling has many health & environment benefits. That’s no secret but not all people do…

6 Sleep Benefits You Might Not Know - WinfiY crunch

6 Sleep Benefits You Might Not Know!

It’s no secret that Better Sleep = Better Health! Good sleep has a number of…

SNOO Smart Sleeper from Happiest Baby - WinfiY crunch

SNOO Smart Sleeper – An AI Equipped Baby Bed For Perfect Baby Sleep!

“SNOO” is a baby bed that uses AI & robotics to give babies a perfect…

Right to Disconnect - WinfiY crunch

Right to Disconnect! Freedom For Not Replying to Emails, Calls & Messages!

In this online world, we are connected 24/7 (Really, some people attennd the calls during…

How Much Time You Spend Worrying How Can You Avoid It - WinfiY crunch

How Much Time You Spend Worrying & How Can You Avoid It?

Probably 4 hours a day. According to one survey, each year we spent about full…