work life balance

Leaders spend 80 persent of their time in communication - WinfiY crunch

What You Do Most With Majority Of Your Office Time?

You might be thinking – what a ridiculous question is this! I do office work…

Why You Must Stop Eating At Your Desk - WinfiY crunch

Why You Must Stop Eating At Your Desk!

Our keyboard, telephones & desk being commonly touched things are the places full of germs!…

Why You Must Say Good Morning To Strangers - WinfiY crunch

Why You Must Say Good Morning To Strangers?

In the morning time, you greet people you know with a warm “Good Morning“, right?…

Thinking Office Contemplate Man Relax Cross Legs

How Sitting Cross Legged Impacts Your Personality & Health!

Body language is an important part of communication and it reflects upon who you are!…

Stop Being a People Pleaser & Joker - WinfiY crunch

Why You Should Stop Being a People-Pleaser?

People-Pleaser means a person who wants to keep everybody happy & who is willing to…

Fabulous is the Award Winning App that can Change Your health Life & routine - WinfiY crunch

This Award Winning App Can Change Your Life!

In this tech world, you need tech to keep you healthy & fit. Duke’s economic…