Health ‘n’ Wellness

Why You Must Take a Walk In The ‘Morning’ - WinfiY crunch

Why You Must Take a Walk In The ‘Morning’?

Walking in morning feels so good! Morning time has least amount of pollution, it’s calm,…

Relation Between Divorce or separation & Health - WinfiY crunch

Relation Between Divorce & Health!

No wonder that most (if not all!) divorcees are unhappy with their life. Their poor…

Does Overweight & Obesity Mean Unhealthy - WinfiY crunch

Does Overweight Mean Unhealthy?

To cut the answer short, being overweight doesn’t mean being unhealthy but people with obesity…

Can you make up For Weekdays Lost Sleep With Weekend Oversleep - WinfiY crunch

Can you make up For Weekdays Lost Sleep With Weekend Oversleep?

In the busy world, we rarely find people who are getting proper sleep! Ask anyone…

Save Children Here is How To Keep Your Children Away From Alcohol - WinfiY crunch

Save Children! Here’s How To Keep Your Children Away From Alcohol?

33% of the teens by the age of 15 and 50% by the age 18…

What Exercise Does To Your Brain & Mood - WinfiY crunch

What Exercise Does To Your Brain & Mood?

When you exercise, it gives us endorphin hormone (little scientific, right?) which makes you feel…