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Why Going “Tie-Free” Is A Good & Smart Idea?

Why Going “Tie-Free” Is A Good & Smart Idea?

Go Tie-Free for Less stress, better health, more productivity, more work - WinfiY crunch

Office & Ties – we all know that the two goes together traditionally in western world & now the “tie-culture” is everywhere. Tie has become part of daily working life. Some think that it’s a tradition that needs to be followed, some think tie gets them more respect, some think that wearing a tie makes a difference in professionalism! Well, that’s typical mindset about tie! Let’s know the health impact of wearing a tie. Tie presses the blood vessels which allow the blood to reach the brain & result is 7.5% cut in circulation to our brain which can be really brain-damaging. It suggests that only people with really high blood pressure should wear a tie. Further, a tight tie can increase pressure in the eyes which increases the risk of sight destroying disease. Also, tie just add another layer to your fatigue. It’s just stressful! You know that, right? With all this ‘tie-negative-stuff”, we can conclude that going “tie-free” is a good & smart idea! So, go “tie-free”! Less stress, better health, more productivity, more work!

Reference: Big Think,  News Scientist, Photo Thanks: Pixabay.

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